Valley Pool Table Serial Number Location
All PrintersPrinting is triggered with a single mouse-click. QuickPrint works with all printers supported by Microsoft ® Windows. PDF, PostScript ®, HTML, Image-ExportBeside direct printing QuickPrint is also able to export the output as PDF-, PostScript-, HTML or image file. Persistent DataQuickPrint saves the entered data values of the last printing session automatically. Thus, repetitive data entry for a form or label is eliminated. A database isn't required for this feature - plain XML files are used for this purpose.
Valley Dynamo
Serial NumbersQuickPrint supports the use of serial numbers within form and label layouts and bar codes.In TFORMer Designer you specifiy the data fields which should be used as serial numbers. Whenever a document layout utilizes such a data field (e.g. A consecutive shipping number in an GM-1724 Barcode Label), QuickPrint ensures that this number is automatically incremented for each printout.By use of TFORMer repositories you can store the serial numbers in a central location. Other users in the network are able to use the same serial number pool.
Valley Pool Tables Models
It is guaranteed that serial numbers are unique, even when used by multiple users in parallel.