How To Wear Drivers Badge And Marksmanship Badge

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How to wear drivers badge and marksmanship badge placement

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Marksmanship Badge Placement Asu

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How To Wear Drivers Badge And Marksmanship Badge

I haven't worn my ASUs in ages and for the life of me I can't find my marksmanship badge. I know officers generally don't wear them (we don't need to get into the reasons, even though 670-1 shows how officers would wear them) but I know cadets are a little different so I wasn't sure if I should run out to buy my badge before I take off to a non-military area and can't go to the store willy-nilly.Thanks(I would ask my ROTC unit but for something small I really don't want to bother them). This is a complete cop-out answer, but it is literally up to your command. If you look up CC 670-1 (the equivalent to AR, but for Cadet Command) it literally states that prior awards are up to your PMS/SMI. Last year, our SMI was all for it. This year however; our new SMI does not let us mix any awards/cadet uniform.In the past we would wear all of our permanent army awards (NDSM, ASR, Marksmanship Badges, AAM, all that shit) with our cadet uniforms (but no cadet awards), or we could wear cadet uniform with cadet awards, or just straight enlisted uniform with your rank and awards.I would seek out someone in the program you're going to and ask em the question. Unfortunately none of us will be able to give you a straight answer.

I never thought I would wear my enlisted uniform, especially since I'm going to be SMP in a reserve unit. I don't want anyone to get the impression that I'm still my enlisted rank because that's not why I'm there.

(Not that we'd wear ASUs all the time, but you get my point).I called the captain at my unit and he said to keep on all my enlisted awards. Oddly, he told me to keep the lapels (flaps on the shoulders) but I'm not really sure why. He did tell me to take my rank off.Oh well. Cadets are in such a weird area in the Army that I doubt anyone is going to be justified saying something is 'wrong' when it comes to how the uniform looks.

So long as I look professional I'm sure I can't go wrong.

Which type of badge, one earned in the military and worn on the USAF-Style blues, or one earned in a marksmanship program as a cadet?For the former, the badge has to be approved for wear by the USAF. Army Marksmanship badges, for example, are not authorized.As to the latter, there are no currently approved marksmanship badge that can be earned as a CAP member and worn on any CAP uniform.The NRA program listed in 39-1 no longer exists, and the current program has not been authorized. They are not the same programs or badges.There is a lot of conversation on this topic in other threads.« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 12:31:28 AM by Eclipse »Logged. In English.The badge is actually the same.The program that it is awarded under now is NOT the same as the NRA program that CAPM 39-1 authorizes. The badge is worn to show you've completed something. That you can no longer complete because the NRA no longer offers that curriculum.So, NO.

You can NOT wear the badge, however cadets that did earn it under that program that CAPM 39-1 speaks of can still wear it. If there are any left, they are -REALLY- -OLD- -CADETS.It's being worked on. Funny thing, too. We had this discussion after the meeting tonight, as we are planning another NRA weekend activity and are going to yet again follow up on some contacts made at the last NSC on getting this thing cleared up, and it's not happened yet.Logged. Totally plausable. Some ROTC programs (maybe just AROTC?) send more senior cadets to Benning during the summers; plus USAFA cadets can earn the same lead sleds via a parachuting class at the zoo, IIRC.

(On an unrelated note: It kills me though; we have all sorts of guys in my infantry unit who've been dying for a slot to Benning for years and can't get one.)On the topic of the marksmanship badge, I'd be on-board with converting the program to a small-arms marksmanship ribbon that mirrors the behaviour of the Air Force in this regard. Heck, institute the same qualification test as the USAF.

So do as much or as little marksmanship training you want (because the training itself wouldn't qualify you for an award), either in or out of CAP, and then if cadets subsequently run a course of qualification with an appropriate weapon at the local range and meet the qualifying score, they get a CAP Cadet Small-Arms Marksmanship Ribbon. Mirrors the Air Force and doesn't depend on a specific program by an outside organization that is prone to change over time.Logged. I don't think CAP should have it's own marksmanship ribbon or badge. I see way too many people going ape over a civilian auxiliary of the Air Force providing 'marksmanship training.'

(Which would be an easy jump to make logically.) Our own unique decoration seems like it would be a trouble magnet.I think it would be pretty easy to insert a line in publication 'NRA marksmanship badges may be worn when awarded by the NRA. A copy of the certificate (or whatever documentation is given) awarding the badge will be maintained in the members personnel file.' Simple and easy, and CAP isn't taking any responsibility, either real or implied, that we are providing such training. We don't need any negative stigma.On a semirelated note, Civilian Marksmanship Program badges should be authorized to include all branches as well as the civilian equivalents (most of the requirements are the same anyway, the only major difference is the physical badges). If a cadet can wear a marksmanship badge, why shouldn't a senior be allowed the same recognition?I just have a problem with reinventing the wheel, which generally doesn't provide any improvement anyway.LoggedPages: 1 Topic:.