Story Of Honest Taxi Driver

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Sponsored Links∇A man walks into the street and manages to hail a taxi. He climbs into the car, and the cabbie says, 'Perfect timing.

You're just like Archie.' Passenger: 'Who?' Cabbie: 'Archie Hobday. There'saguy who did everything right. Like my coming along when you needed a cab. It would have happened like that to Archie every single time.'

Passenger: 'There are always a few clouds over everybody.' Cabbie: 'Not Archie.

He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros.


He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should haveheard him play the piano.' Passenger: 'Sounds like he was something really special.' Cabbie: 'There'smore,he had a memory like a computer. Could remember everybody'sbirthday.

He knew all aboutwine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out.' Wow, some bloke then?' Cabbie: 'He alwaysknew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams, not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them.' Passenger: 'Mmm, there'snot many like him around.' Cabbie: 'And he knew how to treat awoman and make her feel good and never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too.'

Passenger: 'An amazing fellow. How did you meethim?' Cabbie: 'Well, I never actually met Archie.' Passenger: 'Then how do you know so much about him?' Cabbie: 'I married his flippin'widow.' Paint Job by Rod (Archie's Cousin)Rod was given the job of painting the white line down the middle of the A32 in Hampshire.

On his first day he painted 5 miles, the next day 2 miles, the following day less than a mile. When the foremanworking for Fareham Borough Council asked Rod why he kept painting less each day, he replied, 'I'm not able to do any better. Each day I keep getting farther away from the paint can.' An American tourist hailed a taxi in Mayfair, London and asked the cabbie to betaken to Buckingham Palace.On the way, a car zoomed by and the tourist responded, 'Oh! Cadillac -Made in the USA!

Not too long afterward, another car flew by the taxi. Chevrolet -Made in the US of A! Yet another car zipped by, and thetourist said, 'Buick - Made in the USA! Lightning quick!'

The taxi driver, who was 100% London Cockney, was starting to get alittle annoyed that the American made cars were passing him, when whatshould happen but yetanother car passed the taxi as they were turning into Birdcage Walk. 'Oh!Lexus - Made in the USA!

The taxi driver stopped the car outside Buckingham Palace and pointing to the meter, and said, 'That'llbe £100.' It was so short a ride! Why so much?'

The Taxi driver smiled as he replied, 'Meter - Made in England. We can report that a young Londoner needed a taxi cab to take her fromher London home to Bristol Airport to catch her flight to go on holiday; adistance of over 100 miles.We have been informed that she phoned Directory Enquiries to get thenumber of a taxi company. However, speaking in slang she confused theoperator totally by asking for 'a Joe Baxi.'

cockney rhyming slang fortaxi.Having considerable difficulty understanding the teenager, the operatortold her that she could find no one of that name and received the reply, 'Itain't a person, it's a cab, innit.' The operator, happier now, and thinking that she fully understood whatwas wanted, found her the number of her nearest cabinet shop which was inBishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, and named 'Displaysense Ltd.,' and putthe girl through to a sales rep. The 19 year old spoke to the bemusedsaleswoman and seemingly getting nowhere eventually demanded, 'Look love,how hard is it?

All I want is your cheapest cab, innit. I need it for 10am.How much is it?' The sales adviser said it would be £180 $356 USD and the girl gave heraddress and paid with a credit card. The next morning, an office cabinet wasdelivered to her South London home.We have learned that the young lady went ballistic when the cabinet andnot the cab arrived. Eventually everything was sorted out and Marketingmanager of 'Displaysense', Steve Whittle said, 'We thought it was a joke atfirst but the girl was absolutely livid. We have suggested that maybe sheshould speak a bit clearer on the phone and we have refunded her money.' A drunken lady leapt into a taxi stark naked.

Sachin, the Indiantaxi driver made no attempt to drive off.' What's wrong with you Luv, haven't you ever seen a naked woman before?'

'I'll not be staring at you lady, I am telling you, that would not beproper, where I am coming from.' 'Well, if you're not bloody staring at me Luvie, what are you doingthen?' 'Well, I am looking and looking, and I am thinking and thinking tomyself, where is this lady keeping the money to be paying me with?!' Footnote: Taxi joke kindly sent in by Ken GreenWhen I was in Mumbai, India recently, I saw a sign on a vehicle thatsaid, 'English speaking taxi driver'.I thought to myself, 'What a wonderful idea. Why don't we have themin London, England?'

Filipino Honest Taxi Driver

A woman flagged down a cab.' The cabbie asked. 'The hospital,' the woman answered.' Where at the hospital?'

The cabbie asked. 'Maternity ward.' The womananswered.A determined look crossed the cabbie's face.

Story Of Honest Taxi Driver Movie

'Okay, I'll get you there.Don't you worry!' He then floored it and started weaving past cars.' No no, you don't need to drive so fast,' the woman said. 'I only workthere!' Bertie Evan hailed a taxi outside Paddington station in London. Thecabbie had only gone a couple of hundred yards when Bertie leaned forwardand tapped him gently on the shoulder.

The driver screamed, mountedthe pavement, almost hitting a cyclist, then an old lady, but managed toswerved back on to the road, only to over-correct and glance off acoach into the 'Historical London Souvenirs' shop window. Incredibly,no one was hurt.Both the men got out of the taxi and Bertie asked the cabbie 'What onearth was that all about?' I only wanted you to stop so I could buysouvenir!' 'I'm sorry,' said the taxi driver, 'but this is my first day driving acab; for the last twenty five years I was driving a hearse!' Footnote: Cabbie joke kindly sent in by TrevorWarland.

An honest taxi driver from the Philippines received a humbling reward after simply returning the belongings of his foreign passenger.Thirty-year-old taxi Reggie Cabututan is a taxi driver from Baguio City, Philippines. Although he is originally from La Union, which is more than an hour away from Baguio, he travels to the tourist destination everyday as a cab driver in order to support his wife and four children.According to, the taxi driver dropped off Trent Shields, an Australian businessman who seemed to be in a hurry to get to the Calle Uno building in Baguio on January 17.Thirty minutes after being dropped off, Shields realized that he forgot his bag in the cab with valuables in it worth about $20,000. Unfortunately for him, the only thing he could remember about his ride was that it was a “white” car.But just as Shields, together with his friend Ace Estrada II, president of BPO training company Vivixx Academy, were about to leave to file a report at the police station, a familiar taxi pulled in.