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. USERS AFFECTED: All users of IBM WebSphere Application. Server. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: A resource cannot be secured using a. JWT on an http header. RECOMMENDATION: Install a fix pack or interim fix that.

contains this APAR.WebSphere Application Server does not have the ability touse a JWT on an http request header for access to a protectedresource.Problem conclusion. Currently, the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Trust AssociationInterceptor (TAI) only supports a tradtional OIDC flow. If aJWT is sent on an HTTP request header, the JWT will notbe validated and the request will be redirected to an OpenIDprovider (OP) for authentication.The OIDC TAI is updated so that it can accept JWTs on the httpheader to secure access to protected resources.The following OIDC TAI custom properties are added to enablethis feature:provider.useJwtFromRequestValues: no (default), required, ifPresentControls processing if a JWT is found in the http requestAuthorization = do not use a JWT forauthentication. If a provider is configured, introspection ofthe JWT with the provider will be attempted.required = must use the JWT from the request. A provider is notused.ifPresent = use a JWT if present.

If a JWT is missing orinvalid, fall back to using the provider for authentication,if one is configured.provider.tokenReuseValues: true (default), falseSpecifies if a JWT can be used more than once.If this property is set to false, then a JWT containing 'jti'claim cannot be reused.provider.audiencesValues: Any comma-separated audience string or ALLAUDIENCESSpecifies a comma-separated list of trusted audiences to beverified against the 'aud' claim in the JsonWebToken. If'ALLAUDIENCES' is specified, then all are trusted. An 'aud'claim must exist in the JWT if this property is set to a value.provider.setLtpaCookieValues: true, false (default)This property determines if the OIDC TAI will set an LTPAcookie in the response after successful authentication withinbound JWT. This is supported only when useJwtFromRequest isset to either 'required' or 'ifPresent'.The fix for this APAR is currently targeted for inclusion infix pack and

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